Correctional Excellence Awards

Recognising Achievements! Our Award Nominations process for 2024 is open now.

ICPA Correctional Excellence Awards

The ICPA Correctional Excellence Awards have been established to recognise outstanding progress and excellence with respect to the mission of the ICPA, particularly those achievements which advance humanitarian approaches and advance professional corrections. They have the following objectives:
  1. Encourage correctional organisations and activities at the international, national, institutional, and community levels that promote the goals of the ICPA;
  2. Enhance professionalism and excellence in correctional activities at both the organisational and individual level;
  3. Encourage cooperation, partnership, teamwork and the sharing of professional knowledge;
  4. Encourage improved humanitarian approaches toward inmates and offenders.
Nominations close on July 15, 2024!

President’s Award
Recognises an individual or an organisation who has made an outstanding contribution to corrections and/or criminal justice and exemplifies the values of the ICPA. Nominations are made by the President of ICPA for this unique award.

Reducing Reoffending Award
Recognises outstanding evidence-based programs and initiatives which contribute to the safe reintegration of offenders into the community, their desistance from crime and reflect the respect for the dignity of all individuals.

The Gary Hill Memorial Award for Staff Wellbeing and Development
In honor of the invaluable dedication of Gary Hill, a founding member of the ICPA, this award celebrates exceptional initiatives that foster a nurturing work environment and facilitate continuous learning to enhance operational effectiveness.

Research Award
Reflects the ICPA’s values and objectives, underlining the importance of actions being grounded in knowledge and understanding.

Community Corrections Award
Recognises exceptional work and innovative approaches in supporting offenders in the community and acknowledges the vital role played by probation and parole in the work of the Association.

Correctional Healthcare Award
For special efforts in the treatment and care of offenders and/or the implementation of best practices towards the advancement of correctional healthcare services.

Outstanding Correctional Service Employee Award
Recognises an individual line staff person for a specific act or characteristic of work that exemplifies professionalism, quality, and distinction in the conduct of their duties within a correctional environment.

Head of Service/Agency Award
Recognises a Head of Service or Agency who has made an outstanding contribution to advancing professional and humane prison and corrections in their country. (Need to be a current or recent Head of Service/Agency at the time of the nomination)

Past Award Winners

2023 Awards Winners

President’s Award
Lady Edwina Grosvenor, One Small Thing, United Kingdom
Community Corrections Award
Rehabilitation Directorate, Community Corrections, Corrective Services NSW, Australia
Correctional Healthcare Award
Grace Butler, Foundation Genesis and Health through Walls, Dominican Republic
Head of Service Award
Dr Ivan Zinger, Office of the Correctional Investigator, Canada
Outstanding Correctional Service Employee Award
Xavier Awican Solda, Bureau of Jail Management and Penology, Philippines
Reducing Reoffending Award
A Restorative Justice Education Intervention with Prison Inmates in Lesotho, Phoenix Zululand, Lesotho & Horses of Hope Equine Programme, Irish Prison Service, Ireland
Research Award
Rosemary Ricciardelli, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada
The Gary Hill Memorial Award for Staff Wellbeing and Development
Unlocked Graduates, England and Wales

2022 Awards Winners

Community Corrections Award
BC Corrections, Community Corrections Division, Canada
Correctional Healthcare Award
Karine Duverger (and team),Health through Walls,Using Technology to Improve Health Outcomes, Haiti
Head of Service Award
Dean Williams, Colorado Department of Corrections, USA
Outstanding Correctional Service Employee Award
Kaisa Tammi, Prison and Probation Service of Finland
Reducing Reoffending Award
The ACEP (Integration of Smart Technologies into Prisons) Project, General Directorate of Prisons and Detention Houses, Türkiye
Research Award
Professor, Andrew Day, Australia
Staff Wellbeing and Development Award
Singapore Prison Service

2019 Award Winners

Offender Management and Reintegration Award
Ronnie Armour, Northern Ireland Prison Service, UK - The Staff of Maghaberry Prison

Management and Staff Training Award
Justice section, Division of operations, UNODC, Austria – Scenario Based E-Learning for Prison and Corrections Officers on the Nelson Mandala Rules

Correctional Healthcare Award
Elenore Arend, BC Corrections, Canada
Stephanie Macpherson, BC Corrections, Canada
Dave Friesen, BC Corrections, Canada
Lynn Pelletier, BC Mental Health and Substance Use Services, British Columbia, Canada
Andrew MacFarlane, BC Mental Health and Substance Use Services, British Columbia, Canada
Dr. Nader Sharifi, BC Mental Health and Substance Use Services, British Columbia, Canada
Kim Korf-Uzan, BC Mental Health and Substance Use Services, British Columbia, Canada

Community Corrections Award
Department of Children & Youth Affairs, Ireland - The Bail Supervision Scheme

Research Award
Larry Motiuk, Correctional Service Canada, Canada

Outstanding Correctional Service Employee Award
Wanini Kireri, Kenya Prisons Service

Head of Service Award
Milan Ivan, Corps of Prison and Court Guard, Slovak Republic

The President’s Award
The Council of Europe – The SPACE Projects

2018 Award Winners

Community Corrections Award
Home Detention Integrated Support Services Program - South Australia Department of Correctional Services and OARS Community Transitions

Offender Management and Reintegration Award
The Good Loaf, United Kingdom

Management and Staff Training Award
Wellbeing and Resilience Program: Building Mental Health and Productivity in the Workforce - South Australia Department for Correctional Services and SAHMRI Wellbeing and Resilience Centre

Research Award
Professor Alison Liebling, United Kingdom

Correctional Healthcare Award
Lotus Glen Correctional Centre Hepatitis C Treatment Project

Dr Darren Russell Cairns and Hinterland Hospital and Health Service, Queensland Health, Australia
Mr Michael MacFarlane, Lotus Glen Correctional Centre, Queensland Corrective Services, Australia

Outstanding Correctional Service Employee Award
Hugues Demers, Correctional Service Canada
Jean-Philippe Trottier, Correctional Service Canada

Head of Service Award
Ray Smith, Department of Corrections New Zealand
Rick Raemisch, Colorado Department of Corrections, USA

President’s Award
The INSPIRE / Kamlangjai Project - Ministry of Justice - Thailand

Outstanding Contribution to the Association Award
Jennifer Oades, Canada

2017 Award Winners

Community Corrections Award:
Anna McKenna, England

Offender Management and Reintegration Award:
Singapore Prison Service

Management and Staff Training Award:
Pedro das Neves, Portugal

Research Award:
Jeff Pfeifer, Australia
Anja Dirkzwager and Paul Nieuwbeerta, The Netherlands

Correctional Healthcare Award:
Ian Irving, Canada

Outstanding Correctional Employee Award:
Patrick Kiirinya Mwenda, Kenya

Head of Service Award:
Michael Donnellan, Ireland

President’s Award:
Penal Reform International (PRI)

Outstanding Contribution to the Association:
Tineke De Waele, Belgium

2016 Award Winners

Community Corrections Award:
Jason Hainsworth, Australia

Offender Management and Reintegration Award:
Israel Prison Service

Management and Staff Training Award:
Kenya Prisons Service and the Raoul Wallenberg Institute

Research Award:
Dr. Andrea Moser, Canada

Correctional Healthcare Award:
Hong Kong Correctional Services Department

Outstanding Correctional Employee Award:
Amado Aquino Concepcion Jr., Philippines
Roman Marius Gheorghiță, Romania

Head of Service Award:
Peter Hennephof, Netherlands

President’s Award:
International Committee of the Red Cross

Outstanding Contribution to the Association
Frank Porporino, Canada

2015 Award Winners

Community Corrections Award:
Dr James Bonta,Canada

Offender Management and Reintegration Award:
Gobierno del Estado de Chihuahua, Mexico
Jennifer Gallouzis, Australia

Management and Staff Training Award:
Joe Marchese, USA

Research Award:
Dr Elizabeth Grant, Australia

Correctional Healthcare Award:
Mary Gahonzire, Rwanda

Outstanding Correctional Employee Award:
James Bulger, Australia
Anne Hooker, Australia

Head of Service Award:
Nils Öberg,Sweden

President’s Award:
Denise Robinson, USA

2014 Award Winners

Community Corrections Award:
Director Jerim W.O Oloo, Kenya

Offender Management and Reintegration Award:
Aftercare program Vision on Mission,Trinidad and Tobago

Management and Staff Training Award:
Craig Howard, Australia

Research Award:
MSc Toon Molleman , Netherlands

Correctional Healthcare Award:
Dorin Muresan,Romania

Outstanding Correctional Employee Award:
Assistant Commissioner Patience Kake, Namibia

President’s Award:
International Centre for Prison Studies, United Kingdom

Outstanding Contribution to the Association 
Don Stolworthy, USA

2013 Award Winners

Community Corrections Award:
Sonya Spencer, Canada

Offender Management and Reintegration Award: 
Jeremy Hildreth , Australia
David Brown , Australia

Management and Staff Training Award:
Sentencing Reform Implementation Team, Australia

Research Award:
Dr Richard Wener Ph.D, USA

Outstanding Correctional Employee Award:
Charles Price, USA

President’s Award:
Tom Clements

Outstanding Contribution to the Association
Ed Wozniack, United Kingdom

2012 Award Winners

Community Corrections Award:
Astrid Kalders, New Zealand

Offender Management and Reintegration Award:
CREO – Peru and Marlon Florentini

Management and Staff Training Award:
Ana Aguilar, Mexico

Research Award:
Professor James McGuire,United Kingdom

Correctional Healthcare Award:
Dr Annelice Roa ,Dominican Republic
Dr Rafail Mekhdiev, MD, PhD, Azerbaijan

Outstanding Correctional Employee Award:
Pat McKernan, USA

President’s Award:
Dr. Uju Agomoh, Nigeria

Outstanding Contribution to the Association 
Evaristus Shikongo, Namibia

2011 Award Winners

Community Corrections Award:
Director General Rong Rong, China

Offender Management and Reintegration Award:
Aleh Negev, Israel

Management and Staff Training Award:
Lars Nylen, Sweden

Research Award: 
David Murray-Smith, Australia

Correctional Healthcare Award:
Mental Health Strategy,Canada

President’s Award:
Stephen Carter and the Rapid Deployment Team, USA

Outstanding Contribution to the Association
Cassandra Johnson, ICPA

2010 Award Winners

Community Corrections Award:
Wulgunggo Ngalu Learning Place, Australia

Offender Management and Reintegration Award:
Laura Fraser, United Kingdom

Management and Staff Training Award:
Southern Sudan and UNMIS

Research Award:
Mohamad Shabazi, Iran

Correctional Healthcare Award:
Brian Tkachuk,Canada

Outstanding Correctional Employee Award:
Nicole de Clercq, Belgium
James Ryan, Australia

President’s Award:
Director-General William Rentzmann, Denmark

Outstanding Contribution to the Association
Orit Adato, Israel

2009 Award Winners

Community Corrections Award:
Martin F. Horn, USA

Offender Management and Reintegration Award: 
Ali Shams, Iran

Management and Staff Training Award:
National Academy for Prison Staff, Israel
Justice for All Prison Fellowship, Ethiopia

Research Award: 
Prof Hans Toch, USA

Outstanding Correctional Employee Award:
Grace Anyango, Kenya

President’s Award:
HRH Princess Bajrakitiyabha Mahidol, Thailand

Outstanding Contribution to the Association
Olusola Ogundipe, Nigeria

2008 Award Winners

Offender Management and Reintegration Award:
Carol Shapiro, USA
Diane Williams, USA

Management and Staff Training Award:
UNODC in Afghanistan

Research Award:
Interdisciplinary Center of Research Applied to the Penitentiary Field – France

President’s Award:
Gary Hill, USA

Outstanding Contribution to the Association
Avraham Hoffmann, Israel

2007 Award Winners

Offender Management and Reintegration Award:
Farviz Afshar, Iran
Farzad Kasrace, Iran

Management and Staff Training Award:
Bohuslav Burkiewicz, Czech Republic

Research Award:
Jeremy Travis, USA

President’s Award:
Sir Harald Fosker, Norway

Outstanding Contribution to the Association
Nathee Chitsawang, Thailand

2006 Award Winners

Offender Management and Reintegration Award:
Trond Danielsen, Norway
Vegard Karlsen, Norway

Management and Staff Training Award:
Marjo Callaghan, Canada

Research Award:
SPS/DJI Survey Groups, Sweden

President’s Award:
John W. Braithwaite, Canada

Outstanding Contribution to the Association 
Robert T. Goble, USA