To enhance professionalism in corrections, prisons, detention and community services through training and good personal policies.
- To maintain ICPA as an innovative, learning organization, promoting and disseminating good practice through the recruiting, vetting, training of staff and the development and implementation of good personnel policies;
- To enhance co-operation in development of curriculum, lesson plans and training techniques between regions, countries, public, private and voluntary sectors involved in corrections, detention, community services and prisons;
- To develop and promote policies and standards for the training of individuals concerned with the operation of professional and humane corrections, detention, community services and prisons;
- To influence governments, policy makers, correction administrators and managers to adopt good personnel policies and to constantly update and improve training for staff and others associated with the operation of safe, humane and effective corrections, detention, and community services and prisons.
Key Activities:
- Develop training material for correction practitioners;
- Maintain the ICPA training website;
- Insure ICPA training materials meet the intent of international standards;
- Provide material and technical assistance to the international corrections community;
- To participate in international projects that enhance professional corrections and humane treatment of offenders through the development and delivery of high quality training and research;
- To provide in-country consultation and to conduct training needs assessments to help nations enhance their correction training programs.