Become an Author

We welcome your articles, but please note that for publishing requirements, we ask that you adhere to the following specification and editorial policy.

Promotion of products or services wouldn’t be published as it is against our policy. If you are unsure or need help regarding the content, format and structure of the article – we would be happy to assist you.

Publication Schedule

Issue #9 - Parenting from Prison and Engaging Families
Submissions Deadline: 31 August 2024
Publication Date: October 2024

Guidelines for Authors

  • All articles should correspond to the topic of the newsletter
  • Title of the article should be not more than 10 words
  • Length of the article: Max. 3000 words
  • Author's biography length: Max. 150 words
  • All texts should be formatted and structured appropriately
  • Pictures format: PNG, JPG, JPEG
  • Pictures resolution should be more than 200 dpi.

Editorial Policy

By submitting material to ICPA - International Corrections and Prisons Association you warrant to us that any texts, photos, videos, audio material and any other content you submit:

  1.  is your original work,

  2. does not infringe or violate any law, rule or regulation or the rights or intellectual property rights (including but not limited to copyright, trademarks, design rights, data base rights, whether registered or unregistered, or any similar rights recognised anywhere in the world) of any person (or encourage anyone else to do so),

  3.  is not objectionable, inaccurate or inflammatory,

  4. is not obscene, defamatory, libellous, threatening, harassing, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive,

  5. is not an advertisement, it doesn’t promote a product, service and it is not a solicitation of business or contributions,

  6. complies with all applicable law and policy in the territory of publication.

You own your submissions, but we can still use them. You own the copyright in your content but by submitting any content to ICPA - International Corrections and Prisons Association, you grant us a worldwide, royalty-free licence for the full period of copyright to exercise all rights under copyright with respect to such content, which ICPA - International Corrections and Prisons Association may use and exploit (along with your name and identifying features) on its website, e-Bulletin, “Beyond the Wall” and any other publicity.

Submission of an article does not guarantee publishing.

Submit your article by filling in the form below


Personal Information

Article Information

If you have any questions, please let us know at [email protected]