Correctional Research Symposium 2023

We have a fantastic line-up of presentations and activities for the Correctional Research Symposium 2023! Use the tabs to browse each day of the programme. Note that some details may still be subject to change.
Monday 27 March
2pm – 5pm EDT
Pre-conference course


Tuesday 28 March
8am – 9am EDT
Event Check-In and Badge Collection


9am – 9.10am EDT
Welcome from the Organizers & Introduction to the Conference


9.10am – 9.15am EDT
Host Welcome Speech


9.15am – 9.50am EDT
Keynote: Bridging the Void - Supporting Reintegration (PID007)


9.50am – 11am EDT
Panel Discussion: International Perspectives on Key Challenges for Rehabilitating Reintegration (PID204)


11am – 11.30am EDT
Coffee Break

Coffee Break

11.30am – 12pm EDT
Reentry Through Our Lens: Participatory Photovoice with Older Criminal Justice-impacted Men (PID123)

Parallel Workshops

11.30am – 12.15pm EDT
An Open-Access Approach to Reentry Services (PID113)

Parallel Workshops

Children & their imprisoned fathers (PID101)

Parallel Workshops

Roma people under non-custodial sanctions – residential, occupational and educational mobility. Glimpses from Romania (PID202)

Parallel Workshops

12pm – 12.30pm EDT
The expectations and realities of release from a mandatory life sentence (PID015)

Parallel Workshops

12.15pm – 1pm EDT
The Chance for Reentry project – practical outputs and scientific findings of innovative system of support for prisoners placed in pre-release units in Slovakia (PID057)

Parallel Workshops

NESTOR _ A national Network of Schools for Parents in Prison (PID092)

Parallel Workshops

A useful cooperation between prisoners and academics for a better reintegration (PID105)

Parallel Workshops

12.30pm – 1pm EDT
"That's my story, I can't change it" - the experience of reintegration of men serving a life sentence in Ireland (PID110)

Parallel Workshops

1pm – 2pm EDT


2pm – 3pm EDT
What Works vs. What’s Right in Rehabilitating Reintegration (PID205)


3pm – 3.30pm EDT
Coffee Break

Coffee Break

3.30pm – 4.15pm EDT
The Initial Transitional Support (ITS) service: Impacts of a 12-week reintegration support service on reoffending and implications for best practice (PID004)

Parallel Workshops

Research and Reflections on What Works for Those With Mental Health Needs (PID041)

Parallel Workshops

Unlocking the full potential of small-scale and community-integrated facilities (PID075)

Parallel Workshops

A complementary approach: The Prem Rawat Foundation’s Peace Education Program as a catalyst for self-directed behaviour change among persons deprived of liberty in São Paulo, Brazil (PID114)

Parallel Workshops

4.15pm – 5pm EDT
Coaches for (re)integration in a systematic reintegration network in Bremen, Germany (PID066)

Parallel Workshops

Balancing public safety and choice and control for people with cognitive impairment who are forensic patients (PID087)

Parallel Workshops

Black Female Prisoner’s Lives Matter: Redefining Black Female Prisoner's Reintegration With A Digital Twist (PID077)

Parallel Workshops

Cooperation as an answer to the complexity of reintegration of detainees (PID106)

Parallel Workshops

5pm – 5.45pm EDT
Wrap Up and Reflections on the day


7pm – 9pm EDT
Social Programme (Boat Dinner)

Welcome Reception

Wednesday 29 March
8.30am – 9.30am EDT
Mental health and reoffending: latest evidence on assessment and treatment (PID206)


9.30am – 10.30am EDT
Rehabilitating Reintegration – Singapore’s Journey (PID080)

Parallel Workshops

Women's Pathways Into, Through and Out of Prison: Understanding the Needs, Challenges and Successes of Women Imprisoned for Drug Offending and Returning to Communities in Thailand (PID051)

Parallel Workshops

Delivering non-discriminatory community-based sanctions: Lessons from research and action in Europe (PID020)

Parallel Workshops

The power of digital and creative environments (PID125)

Parallel Workshops

10.30am – 11am EDT
Coffee Break

Coffee Break

11am – 11.30am EDT
Using electronic monitoring well to promote rehabilitation and reintegration (PID024)

Parallel Workshops

11am – 11.45am EDT
CHANGES: an experimental implementation of a cognitive-behavioral strategy to reduce recidivism in France (PID068)

Parallel Workshops

The role of understanding harm and restoration in offender reintegration (PID093)

Parallel Workshops

The Prison Officer’s Role in Rehabilitation – Using a Trauma-Informed Approach (PID120)

Parallel Workshops

11.30am – 12pm EDT
A befriending project with people who left prison (PID056)

Parallel Workshops

11.45am – 12.30pm EDT
The Importance of Evidence-based Assessment and Intervention - From Intake to Prison to Sentence Completion in the Community (PID201)

Parallel Workshops

Health literacy for women released from prison in Brazil: improving intervention for health promotion based on research evidence (PID050)

Parallel Workshops

Rehabilitating Reintegration through Yoga & mindfulness: the experience from the Czech Republic (PID005)

Parallel Workshops

12pm – 12.30pm EDT
Offender Management in Custody: a lost opportunity in prisoner resettlement (PID071)

Parallel Workshops

12.30pm – 1.30pm EDT


1.30pm – 2pm EDT
Leaving Switzerland upon release: how to ensure reintegration schemes do not leave behind foreing inmates (PID058)

Parallel Workshops

Application of Trauma-informed Practice in Forensic Intervention Services (PID028)

Parallel Workshops

1.30pm – 2.15pm EDT
What Works? A Global South perspective (PID127)

Parallel Workshops

1.30pm – 3pm EDT
The work of psychologists and social workers in the probation and correctional systems for public safety in Georgia (PID104)

Parallel Workshops

2pm – 2.30pm EDT
Ethnocultural offenders, correctional programming, and a mapping of experiences (PID064)

Parallel Workshops

Learning inside out (LIO) in all prisons in Flanders and Brussels (PID045)

Parallel Workshops

2.15pm – 3pm EDT
Factors influencing implementation of the Offender Management in Custody (OMiC) model to manage and support women in prison and their resettlement back into the community (PID061)

Parallel Workshops

2.30pm – 3pm EDT
Combining Project Based Learning, Positive Criminology and Systemic Practices for rehabilitation within a Prison Context (PID069)

Parallel Workshops

A country-by-country or regional approach to preventing radicalisation and violent extremism? Main challenges, structural needs and lessons learned (PID203)

Parallel Workshops

3pm – 3.30pm EDT
Coffee Break

Coffee Break

3.30pm – 5pm EDT
Closing Panel: Lived Experience Perspectives on Rehabilitating Reintegration (PID200)


5pm – 5.45pm EDT
Wrap-up and Reflections on the day


Thursday 30 March
9am – 12pm EDT
Visits of prisons and community facilities

Prison Visits

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