Technology in Corrections Conference (TIC)

Call for Papers and Submission Guidelines

With the theme ‘Digital Rehabilitation’ we want prison and probation services, researchers, technological companies, NGOs and other experts engaged in correctional services, to share with us your insights, idea’s, success and failures, learnings, projects, and innovative solutions. We invite you to send us your proposal for presentations addressing the following key areas related to this agenda and the role technology could play.
Help us to explore, in the broadest terms, what Digital Rehabilitation means to our sector. How digital can modernise the manner in which jurisdictions go about the job of rehabilitating the incarcerated or supervised individual? Could we expand the perspective to explore the notion of rehabilitating our sector to more successfully engage digital into how we do business?  How can the business of corrections can better integrate digital into our correctional strategies? We look forward to hearing presentations that challenge our pre-conceived notions and challenge ourselves to think differently about our overarching theme.
Track/Theme 1: The new normal is digital.
  • In pre-trial detention, how can we assure a defendant’s right to participation in legal procedures and enable access to the necessary information?
  • What technology is there to enhance teaching, learning and assessment, that adds value and does more than replicate traditional education practices?
  • How can we better prepare the return to the digital society?
  • What is the role of digital communications in prison and probation? For offenders? For staff?
  • How can we strengthen protection, compliance and regulation for data and information management?
  • How can risks in the technological environment and risks in the operating environment be managed?
Track/Theme 2: Intelligent and efficient offender management and treatment
  • How can technology support staff in their work in this field?
  • How can we strengthen the systems that store and transmit our digital information aimed at the rehabilitation agenda?
  • How can technology support more individualised and person-centric approaches and tailor for interventions to specific target groups?
  • What role can new technologies such as AI or VR/AR/MR play in this field?
Track/Theme 3: Data-driven development and evidence-based practices
  • Can technology actually ethically improve outcomes, how can we measure that, is there an evidence base?
  • How can we gain insight from our information management systems and drive stronger performance in rehabilitation?
  • Are there data analytics technology solutions to support faster, smarter decisions on our mission-critical priorities?
  • How can we leverage technology to support data analytics to improve management information and trend analysis?
  • How can we ensure the value proposition of modernisation?
Immediately following the TIC event, the Innovative Prisons Infrastructure Conference (IPIC) will focus on the theme of "Sustainable Planning and Design for Better Corrections," exploring how new partnerships can improve our understanding of how modern planning and design knowledge can drive effective change in correctional facilities. IPIC attendees will engage in exciting seminars on the future of prison design and reflect on how planning and design can support diverse correctional missions. This gives participants an opportunity to bridge the events with submissions that can explore the impact Digital can have on prison design or maybe “rehabilitating” existing infrastructure to be effective in the digital era.It is strongly encouraged that presenters do not promote their own commercial products and services during any presentation. This does not exclude describing the manner in which some aspect of correctional service delivery can be undertaken, or the infrastructure and technology that may be used. The TIC is not, however, a place for marketing particular products or solutions.
Joint papers describing partnerships between public sector agencies implementing strategies and programs in collaboration with private sector companies are welcome, however speakers from both parties should ideally be present. Where private sector involvement in corrections is to be presented, we expect, and we will give priority where public agency partners are included as co-presenters.
To encourage the participation of conference participants, presentations should ideally have an interactive element to engage the attendees. Please submit your abstract no later than 12 November 2023. 
Call for Papers is now Closed.
Selection Criteria: Selection will be based on relevance to the conference topic, learnings from innovative practices and evidence of a strong and objective research/empirical base that supports applied practices. In selecting papers, priority will be given to those clearly related to the Conference main theme. The balance of representation between the private and public sectors will be taken into account. Of particular interest are Research, Policies, Programs and Practices in relation to the theme.
Submissions are to be made in English, including: 
  • The abstract submission form completed in its entirety. Please keep this concise and to the point (no longer than 3000 characters / approx. 600 words);
  • A short professional biography/resume for the primary speaker and co-presenters intending to participate in the presentation (no longer than 2000 characters / approx. 400 words).
Language: The working language of this conference is English. Should you wish to present in any other language, you need to provide your own interpreter.
Attending the Event: Those submitting an abstract for consideration should be intending to be physically present during the conference. If you are not planning to travel to Turkey in 2024, please do not submit a paper.