First International Women in Corrections Conference

The first global Women in Corrections Conference (WICC) will be held from 19 to 21 February 2025, in Bangkok, Thailand. This event celebrates the 15th Anniversary of the United Nations Rules for the Treatment of Women Prisoners and Non-custodial Measures for Women Offenders, known as the Bangkok Rules, and looks to the future for women impacted by correctional systems worldwide.
ICPA is excited to deliver this conference in partnership with hosts, the Thailand Institute of Justice. Both ICPA and TIJ encourage all interested attendees to save the date ahead of next year’s conference with more information, including tickets, accommodation, and programme detail, to come.
This conference is suitable for a wide range of professionals, including heads of service, women with lived experience, policymakers, researchers, corrections practitioners, academics, NFP organisations, lawyers, and other stakeholders involved in the field of corrections. Participants will be able to share their experiences, learn from each other, and explore new ideas and approaches to improve the quality of corrections for women.

WICC Agenda

The WICC will include keynote addresses, panel discussions, thematic workshops, and networking sessions. Participants with lived experience in the field will be invited to present their research, initiatives, and success stories, enriching the discussions and promoting collaboration among participants, covering a range of topics, including:
  • Trends in female imprisonment and women's paths to prison.
  • The impact of incarceration on women and their families’ wellbeing.
  • Gender-responsive policies, legislation, and legal frameworks that can better support gender-responsive corrections.
  • Promising practices and challenges in the application of the Bangkok Rules in correctional work.
  • Specialized programs addressing mental health challenges, trauma, victimization, and substance abuse among women in custody.
  • Trauma-informed approaches in prisoner care.
  • Maintaining motherhood and family relations during incarceration.
  • Vulnerabilities and diversity among women in prison, such as elderly women, women living with disabilities, breastfeeding mothers, foreign national women, and other marginalized groups in prisons.
  • Good practices and innovations in women's social rehabilitation and reintegration.
  • Factors supporting women’s successful reintegration and desistance from crime. 
  • Strengthening female leadership in corrections.
  • Capacity building and a supportive environment for prison staff working with women prisoners.
  • Architectural and environmental designs that prioritize the wellbeing and rehabilitation of women.
  • The role of technology, research, and data-driven strategies in advancing gender-responsive penal systems.
  • The role of women affected by the criminal justice system in policy advocacy and reform efforts.
A Call for Papers will be announced in 2024 and interested speakers are encouraged to consider submitting.


Are you in interested in being a sponsor for this landmark event? In the coming months, a small number of sponsorship opportunities will be made available. To sponsor, please contact Mike Murphy at [email protected]
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