First International Women in Corrections Conference

Call for Papers

The call for papers for WICC 2025 is currently open.
The Programme Committee encourages presentations from a diverse range of individuals who can contribute to the Women in Corrections Conference (WICC) agenda, including: 
  • Individuals with lived experience 
  • Academics 
  • Government and public sector agencie
  • NGOs and other International Agencies
Non-government organisations should consider co-presenting with public sector partners where appropriate, especially if the presentation is on a specific programme delivered in a state institution.
ICPA and TIJ invite attendees from across the corrections landscape, both women and men, to contribute to this important conference. Attendees will include correctional leaders, correctional practitioners, academics, individuals with lived experience, and members of correctional-affiliated organizations.

WICC Themes

ICPA and TIJ encourage diverse submissions across the following WICC 2025 themes:
Theme I: Imprisonment and the Pathways into Prison, which includes:
  • Trends in female imprisonment.
  • Women's paths to prison and women’s prison experience.
  • The impact of incarceration on women and their families’ well-being.
  • Good practices and innovations in women’s prisons, in particular:
    • Specialized programs addressing mental health challenges, trauma, victimization, and substance abuse among women in custody.
    • Maintaining motherhood and family relations during incarceration.
    • Architectural and environmental designs that prioritize the well-being and rehabilitation of women.
Theme II: Successful Reintegration and Alternatives to Custodial Measures, which includes:
  • Trend in the use of non-custodial measures for women.
  • Women’s pathways to non-custodial sentences
  • Women’s experiences of re-integration and non-custodial measures
  • Good practices and innovations in women's social rehabilitation and reintegration.
  • Factors supporting women’s successful reintegration. 
  • Specialized programs designed to reduce imprisonment amongst corrections-involved women.
Theme III: From Policy to Practice, which includes:
  • Gender-responsive policies, legislation, and legal frameworks that can better support corrections for women.
  • Promising practices and challenges in the application of the Bangkok Rules in correctional work.
  • The role of technology, research, and data-driven strategies in advancing gender-responsive penal systems.
  • The role of women affected by the criminal justice system in policy advocacy and reform efforts.
Theme IV: Women Working in Corrections, which includes:
  • Strengthening women’s leadership in corrections.
  • Approaches to attracting and supporting women working in corrections, especially those that aim to support women in operational roles.
  • Capacity building and supporting correctional staff, partners, and volunteers working with corrections-involved women.
Theme V: Cohort-Specific Response, which includes:
  • Developing informed policy and practice for specific groups of corrections-involved women, including women living with disabilities, elderly women, first nations women, foreign national women, trans-women, breastfeeding mothers, children residing in prison with their mothers, and other marginalized groups.

Submission Summary

Submissions can be presentations, suggestions for workshops, or panel discussions and will be selected based on their quality and relevance to the themes. The Committee will strive to have only one presentation per person/organization and to maximize the regional spread of speakers’ origin. 
Presentations should meet the following criteria: 
  • Abstracts must align with at least one of the conference themes. 
  • Abstracts must include at least three questions for discussions. 
  • Any references to research or outcomes must include sources. 
  • All presentations will be non-commercial/non-product focused. 
When submitting the abstract, please specify the theme and type of session. The call for papers will close on 31 October 2024. 
Should you need additional information, please email us: [email protected].

Presentation Formats

Papers will be selected for presentation in the following formats:
Plenary – a main presentation to which all conference participants are invited;
Workshop – up to six 90 minute workshop sessions are held in parallel. Each session may contain two presentations (45 minutes each) or three presentations (30 minutes each).
Innovative approaches to the presentation of the papers and to the interaction and engagement of participants is encouraged. This may include panel discussions, use of small groups, electronic media/videos, structured questions, polls and other suitable interactive approaches. Presenters are asked to identify their preferred presentation format and how they might interact with the audience. The final determination with respect to presentation type will be made by the Programme Committee. Please note that the programme includes several 30 minute workshops, requests for longer presentation times may not be approved.


30 August - 31 October 2024
Call for papers is open
15 November 2024
First round of acceptances
29 November 2024
Second round of acceptances and wait list
20 December 2024
Program finalised
Please note that the Programme Committee may also consider your submission for a poster.