The Beyond Prisons: Women and Community Corrections Taskforce publishes a new report
The “Beyond Prisons: Women and Community Corrections Taskforce” was formally established by the International Corrections and Prisons Association (ICPA) in January 2019. The objective of the Taskforce is to actively promote and support the development and sharing of knowledge in relation to gender-informed programs, research and community-based alternatives for women in conflict with the law. The Taskforce considers that the community has a central key role to play in the development of successful, holistic, and women-centered approaches.
‘Kenya Empowerment Project with Women: CBA and CEA Walkthrough’ report responds to the fact that while alternatives to incarceration for women have shown promising results, there is still relatively little by way of clearly established program criteria, reliable quantitative data, or user-friendly tools with which to assess these alternatives.
Using, as an example, an innovative approach that the Kenya Probation and After Care Service implemented in 2015, this report provides a step-by-step proof-of-concept to demonstrate how such a project could build a cost-benefit analysis (CBA) or a cost-effective analysis (CEA) approach from the outset. It is a guide and a tool designed to assist policymakers, practitioners, and decision-makers in the planning of programs or services that are measurable through either a cost-benefit analysis or a cost-effective analysis. Anyone leading community correctional programs and services are highly encouraged to build a strong foundation in CBA/CEA principles and approaches.