ID: NEWS-200923 21 Jul 2023

ICPA Strengthens its Partnership with UN Office on Drugs and Crime­­­ to Spearhead Global Efforts to Improve Prison Conditions and Safeguard Human through a new Memorandum of Understanding

In a ground-breaking initiative, the International Corrections and Prisons Association (ICPA) continues to lead in influencing and promoting best practices and guidelines worldwide to ensure the protection of human rights and enhance the conditions of prisons and correctional facilities.

With its United Nations (UN) consultative status, ICPA is at the forefront of advancing professional corrections and supporting global standards that prioritize the rights and well-being of inmates. Through a signed Memorandum of Understanding with the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), ICPA is committed to a collaborative approach in driving positive change within the field of corrections.
Under the umbrella of this partnership, ICPA and UNODC are focusing on key themes that shape the future of offender management. Together, we are actively investing in improving professionalism in both prison- and community-based corrections, advocating for evidence-based and human rights-compliant practices, and facilitating the exchange of expertise through international events and field-based technical assistance.
The commitment of ICPA to promoting and supporting best practices in corrections is resolute. Through our tireless efforts, we strive to protect the well-being and human rights of individuals across the globe. Learn more about the best Practice Principles and Guidelines we support globally here.