Correctional Research Symposium 2025

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The Northern Ireland Prison Service, in collaboration with the Irish Prison Service, has arranged four prison facilities from which participants can choose. These facilities include Northern Ireland’s only high security facility and a joint facility for young males and female prisoners. For those staying on after the conference you can indicate which facility you would like to visit when registering online for this event, but please note that this is not a booking - you can only sign up at the venue. Please note that spaces are limited.  


Friday, 16 May 2025
  • Maghaberry Prison visit times: TBC
  • Magilligan Prison visit times: TBC
  • Hydebank Wood Secure College and Women’s Prison visit times: TBC
  • Mountjoy visit times: TBC

Maghaberry Prison

Maghaberry is a largest of Northern Ireland’s three custodial facilities.  It is a modern high security prison, which accommodates over 1,200 adult male long-term, sentenced and remand prisoners, in both separated and integrated conditions. Maghaberry is located near Lisburn, which is approximately 25 miles from Belfast City Centre.

Magilligan Prison

Magilligan is a medium-security prison housing shorter-term adult male prisoners, which also has low-security accommodation for selected prisoners nearing the end of their sentences. It accommodates around 500 prisoners and is located near Limavady, which is approximately 70 miles from Belfast.

Hydebank Wood Secure College and Women’s Prison

Hydebank is a medium to low security establishment accommodating young males (18-24 years old) and all female prisoners.  In 2015, Hydebank became a ‘secure college’ with a strong focus on learning and skills, having previously acted as a Young Offenders Centre. At Hydebank, the Prison Service also operates the Prison Service College, which trains both recruits and serving operational grades. Hydebank is located on the outskirts of South Belfast, approximately five seven miles from Belfast City Centre.

Mountjoy Prison

Mountjoy Prison is a closed, medium security prison for adult males. It is also the main committal prison for Dublin city and county.  It is located is Dublin, which is approximately 100 miles from Belfast City Centre. To view the daily prisoner population of the Irish Prison Service click here