Corrections Technology Conference

View the full CTC 2023 programme here, with some 50 presentations across two days covering a variety of correctional technology related topics!

Programme Overview

Tuesday 23rd May – Exhibitor Setup / Event Check-In and Badge Collection / Welcome Reception (evening)
Wednesday 24th May – Plenary and Workshop Sessions / Exhibition / evening events by sponsor invitation
Thursday 25th May – Plenary and Workshop Sessions / Exhibition
Friday 26th May – Prison/Facility Visits (limited availability)

Full Programme

Tuesday 23 May
6.30pm – 8.30pm ACST
Welcome Reception

Welcome Reception

Wednesday 24 May
8am – 8.45am ACST
Check-In and Badge Collection


8.50am – 9.05am ACST
Welcome to Country


9.05am – 9.15am ACST
Opening Remarks (PID204)


9.15am – 9.30am ACST
Introduction to the Conference Programme (PID205)


9.30am – 10.15am ACST
Keynote Speech: Collaborative Research & Development: A Case Study (PID202)


10.15am – 10.45am ACST
ICPA & Technology in Corrections (PID203)


10.45am – 11.15am ACST
Coffee Break and Exhibition

Coffee Break

11.15am – 12pm ACST
Modeling change for a digital transformation (PID005)


12pm – 12.15pm ACST
Introduction to the Afternoon Workshops


12.15pm – 1.15pm ACST
Lunch and Exhibition


1.15pm – 1.50pm ACST
The Human Aspect of Technology in Community Corrections (PID015)

Parallel Workshops

PAPDeX: The Probation and Parole Data Exchange Consortium (PID030)

Parallel Workshops

A Novel Intelligent Monitoring System for Continuous Real-Time Detection of Self-Harm and Life Sign Events (PID042)

Parallel Workshops

Predicting Recidivism Probability for Offenders: A Machine Learning Approach Using Profile Analysis (PID053)

Parallel Workshops

1.50pm – 2.25pm ACST
Designing Digital Programs for Community Based Offenders: Learnings from the pilot of a forensic drug treatment program (PID044)

Parallel Workshops

Ara Poutama Aotearoa NZ Digital Strategy, a roadmap to modernise prisons (PID066)

Parallel Workshops

Creating Live virtual and therapeutic offending behaviour programs (PID062)

Parallel Workshops

New Offender Management System and AI Systems Supporting Offenders’ Rehabilitation (PID034)

Parallel Workshops

2.25pm – 3pm ACST
Deployment of digital devices in prisons: opportunities, challenges and lessons learnt (PID004)

Parallel Workshops

Achieving Digital Maturity in Prisons: A tool for readiness (PID005)

Parallel Workshops

Learnings from AI technology implementation for TB Screening in Haiti prisons (PID052)

Parallel Workshops

Implementing AI in Corrections – Challenges vs. Opportunities (PID031)

Parallel Workshops

3pm – 3.30pm ACST
Coffee Break and Exhibition

Coffee Break

3.30pm – 4.30pm ACST
NSW In-Cell Tablet Program: program evaluation, benefits realisation and collaboration (PID047)


4.30pm – 5.30pm ACST
Live Demonstrations


Thursday 25 May
9am – 9.15am ACST
Reflections from previous day & Introduction to the Workshop Sessions


9.15am – 9.52am ACST
Is the Honeymoon over: Importance of collaboration and partnerships in ‘commercial of-the-shelf’ (COTS) system design (PID013)

Parallel Workshops

Research-government-industry partnerships: Lessons and challenges in developing a digital health tool in NSW prisons (PID012)

Parallel Workshops

Technology As Key To Freedom And Digital Inclusivity Of Persons Deprived Of Liberty (PID023)

Parallel Workshops

Emerging Security Technologies in Corrections (PID041)

Parallel Workshops

9.52am – 10.30am ACST
Measuring what matters and counting what counts (PID051)

Parallel Workshops

Navigating New Waters: Data integration, new technology and collaboration between Justice Agencies (PID043)

Parallel Workshops

The human aspect of technology at Clarence Correctional Center (PID008)

Parallel Workshops

Advanced Technologies for Monitoring Prisoner Digital Communications - Finding a Needle in the Haystack (PID040)

Parallel Workshops

10.30am – 11am ACST
Coffee Break and Exhibition

Coffee Break

11am – 11.38am ACST
The human aspects of communication technologies: vulnerable people-in-prison and video links (PID017)


11.38am – 12.15pm ACST
Technology and Indigenous Prisoners: Guiding Principles for the Development of Effective and Responsive Programs (PID011)


12.15pm – 12.30pm ACST
Introduction to the Workshop Sessions


12.30pm – 1.30pm ACST
Lunch and Exhibition


1.30pm – 2.05pm ACST
User-focused Design & Human Aspect of Technology (PID021)

Parallel Workshops

Collaboration & integration between SAAB, Serco and the wider correctional operational market (PID037)

Parallel Workshops

Co-creating a modern prison service through digital and innovation (PID050)

Parallel Workshops

Applying technology to improve the safety of women and children affected by domestic and family violence (PID039)

Parallel Workshops

2.05pm – 2.40pm ACST
How the power of a ‘Sludge-a-thon’ helped (PID045)

Parallel Workshops

Strategic Planning to Stay in Front (PID064)

Parallel Workshops

Efficacy of Technology in the Management of Correctional Facilities: The Benefits, Challenges and Prospects in Nigerian Correctional Service (PID036)

Parallel Workshops

Implementation and adaptation of digital tablets in Corrections Victoria prisons (PID029)

Parallel Workshops

2.40pm – 3.15pm ACST
User-Centric Design and Delivery in Corrections Transformation Projects (PID032)

Parallel Workshops

Digital Readiness (PID022)

Parallel Workshops

User-focused design for critical outcomes (PID014)

Parallel Workshops

Prison Operations and Technology (PID025)

Parallel Workshops

3.15pm – 3.45pm ACST
Coffee Break and Exhibition

Coffee Break

3.45pm – 4.45pm ACST
On the couch with William Murphy: conversations on digital transformation in NSW Government (PID200)


4.45pm – 5.05pm ACST
Wrap-up and Reflections on the Conference (PID207)


5.05pm – 5.25pm ACST
Closing Remarks (PID208)


Friday 26 May
9am – 12pm ACST
Facility Visits (Limited Availability)

Prison Visits
