ICPA Annual Conference 2024

  Facility Visits (1244 x 300 px).png
The Singapore Prison Service (SPS) has arranged 10 facility visits that ICPA participants can choose from, including prisons, drug rehabilitation centres, community spaces and halfway houses. The visits will share how SPS ensures safe and secure custody, while facilitating evidence-informed rehabilitation and reintegration activities to reduce re-offending, efficiently and effectively, leveraging on technology and community partnerships, in our institutions continuing into aftercare.
The visits will be held on 6 September 2024 (Friday) between 7.30am to 12.30pm (with a drop of at the hotel by 13.30pm).  Participants who wish to join these visits may sign up during the conference at the facility visit registration booth. Please note that spaces are limited.
SPS administers 14 prisons and drug rehabilitation centres, housing about 10,700 prisoners and drug abusers, with about 25% serving the tail end of their sentences in the community. Most institutions are located within Changi Prison Complex (built in two phases in 2004 and 2010). Selarang Park Complex is the newest complex operationalised in 2020. In land-scarce Singapore, our prisons are designed high-rise and managed in clusters of 4 to 5 institutions for greater operational efficiency. There are three types of prison cells in our institutions. Maximum security institution comprises single-man cells. Cells in medium security institution can house up to four inmates while cells in low-medium security institution house up to eight inmates. Inmates with mobility issues will be housed in medical wards or cells with assisted living features.

Institution A3

Operationalised in 2004, Institution A3 is a medium security prison and houses male penal inmates and has a capacity of 1104 inmates.
Institution A3 operates a Psychiatric Correctional Unit, which collaborates with Singapore’s Institute of Mental Health to manage inmates with mental health issues. The institution also runs various Psychology-Based Correctional Programmes to address inmates’ criminogenic needs. This includes the “Experiencing Change, Empowering Life” programme, which targets to reduce the risk of reoffending among sexual offenders. Institution A3 also runs ‘Project Rekindle’, which adopts a restorative approach to helping incarcerated persons mend and restore relationships with their family members.
There are three Food and Beverage workshops located in Institution A3, which equip inmates with employability skills and keep them meaningfully occupied while serving their sentence. About 90 inmates are deployed at the bakery producing bread for over 8,000 inmates, as well as for staff’s consumption and for supply to commercial entities. The other two workshops produce pastries and cakes which are sold in the community.

Institution A4

Operationalised in 2017, Institution A4 (formerly known as the Changi Women’s Prison) is a medium security prison and the only women remand, prison and drug rehabilitation centre in Singapore.  It has a capacity of 1,364 inmates and is managed only by women officers.
Institution A4 conducts gender-responsive programmes catered specifically for women inmates to address their criminogenic needs. Officers are trained in gender-responsive skills and work closely with psychologists and Correctional Rehabilitation Specialists to co-create a gender-responsive transformative environment to support women inmates’ rehabilitation.
Institution A4 is equipped with facilities that cater to the varying needs of women inmates, such as:
  • Video court facilities.
  • 24/7 medical centre.
  • Psychiatric Correctional Unit.
  • Assisted Living Unit to address the needs of elderly inmates.
Institution A4 conducts vocational training for inmates to learn skills to enhance their employability upon release. The institution operates a call centre, tailoring workshop, and art workshop (“Art Behind Bars”) where suitable inmates undergo work programme as part of their rehabilitation. Those who are academically inclined can also pursue education programmes to prepare them for the national exams.

Institution B1

Operationalised in 2010, Institution B1 is a maximum-security prison. It has a capacity of 723 inmates and typically houses inmates with longer prison sentences including those sentenced to life imprisonment.
Institution B1 operates a medical centre and visit centre. The medical centre provides treatment for inmates who require closer medical monitoring and support while the visit centre facilitates face to face visits between inmates and their families.
Institution B1 conducts the “Honour, Empathy, Resilience and Ownership” programme targeted at inmates with violent offences and behaviour. The institution also runs initiatives such as Empatherapy and Peer Supporter Academy to enhance an inmate’s capacity for desistance through a supportive restorative environment facilitated by coaching circles conducted by trained peers and prison staff.

Institution B3

Operationalised in 2010, Institution B3 functions as both a prison and drug rehabilitation centre. It is a medium security prison housing male penal inmates and drug abusers and has a capacity of 1,260 inmates.
Institution B3 runs various programmes to support inmates and drug abusers in their rehabilitation. This includes Psychology-Based Correctional Programmes to address inmates’ criminogenic needs, family programmes for inmates to maintain family ties, and various personal development programmes.
Work programmes are provided to upskill the inmates and inculcate work ethics, enhancing their employability. Institution B3 houses several workshops including a call centre where inmates take on the roles of call agents. They assist inmates’ family members in visit bookings and support various commercial contact centre services.

Institution B4

Operationalised in 2010, Institution B4 functions as both a prison and drug rehabilitation centre. It is a low-medium security prison housing both male penal inmates and drug abusers and has a capacity of 1,584 inmates.
Institution B4 operates various training facilities allowing inmates to learn new skills to enhance their employability. These include:
  • “Hope Café” where inmates undergo hands-on training in culinary skills and food and beverage operations.
  • Logistics workshop where inmates undergo training in warehouse and logistics management.
  • “Visual Arts Hub” where artistically inclined inmates receive training in different art forms.
The institution is also a pre-release centre for drug abusers to undergo pre-release programmes to support their reintegration back into society. In collaboration with Yellow Ribbon Singapore, job placements and employment assistance are provided for them prior to their release.

Institution S1

Operationalised in 2020, Institution S1 is a low-medium security facility functioning as a Drug Rehabilitation Centre. It houses drug abusers undergoing drug treatment and rehabilitation and has a capacity of 1,480.
Being one of the newest institution, Institution S1 features the latest technologies being trialled in Singapore Prison Service as follows:
  • Facial Recognition System to identify and verify both staff and inmates through their facial features.
  • “Advanced Video Analytics to Detect Aggression” (AVATAR) system which uses video analytics to detect abnormal behaviour in cells such as fights to enable swift response to incidents.
The institution’s facilities are also specially designed to facilitate the wide range of programmes and training to address drug abusers’ rehabilitation needs. Programmes include Psychology-Based Correctional Programmes targeting drug abusing behaviour, and skills training to enhance abusers’ employability upon release.

Institution S2 & Selarang Park Community Supervision Centre

This visit comprises two locations – Institution S2 and Selarang Park Community Supervision Centre (SPCSC), both operationalised in 2020.
Institution S2 is a low-medium security facility which has a capacity of 840 and is a hybrid institution comprising a centralised Re-entry Preparation Centre for inmates at the tail-end of their sentences, and a work release camp for supervisees on community-based programmes.
SPCSC is a dedicated supervision centre for supervisees in the community. Its facilities include a urine test reporting centre, interview rooms and job coach office. Supervisees report to SPCSC for emplacement briefings, urine tests and interview sessions with their Reintegration Officers and Correctional Rehabilitation Specialists.
The visit will showcase various technologies such as:
  • “Prison Automated Screening System” which is an automated urine screening system.
  • “Electronic Monitoring Services” which is an electronic tagging system for effective tracking and monitoring of supervisees in the community.
  • “Self-Help and Rehabilitation E-Application” which is a mobile application for supervisees with self-help resources and features. 

Institution TM1

Operationalised in 2011, Institution TM1 is a medium-security prison with a capacity of 1,001 inmates, housing young offenders undergoing reformative training. Institution TM1 also operates the Prison School.
Prison School houses inmates transferred from other prisons to pursue education during their incarceration. The school’s mission is “Rebuilding Lives, Awakening Hope”. At Prison School, the staff, teachers and volunteers focus on helping the students to achieve academic excellence and character development.
The institution also conducts programmes aimed to rehabilitate young offenders undergoing reformative training. Vocational skills training such as logistics, food and beverage, and barista courses are also conducted to enhance their employability upon release from prison.

Selarang Halfway House (SHWH) and Breakthrough Missions

This visit comprises two locations – Selarang Halfway House (SHWH) and Breakthrough Missions.
Selarang Halfway House (SHWH) which was operationalised in 2018 is a secular residential facility for both genders. It offers step down programmes such as Mandatory Aftercare Scheme and community-based programmes. SHWH has a capacity of 480 residents.
SHWH in collaboration with Singapore Prison Service, work closely with supervisees and family members to address their employment and accommodation needs. A variety of programmes such as art therapy, drug recovery support group, and social emotional awareness workshop are conducted in SHWH, to keep residents meaningfully engaged.
Breakthrough Missions is one of the nine community halfway houses that partners Singapore Prison Service in providing stepdown support for its supervisees. Started in 1983 by a group of ex-drug abusers, Breakthrough Missions offers a faith-based drug rehabilitation programme for Christian male supervisees. It has a capacity of 170 residents.
Breakthrough Missions’ programme aims to build spiritual foundations through daily devotion, classes and counselling, helping residents develop Christian values and character, spiritual growth and discipline in work and life.

Rise Above Halfway House & ISCOS Community Space

This visit comprises two locations – Rise Above Halfway House (RAHWH) and Industrial and Services Co-operative Society Limited (ISCOS) Community Space.
Operationalised in 2022, RAHWH is the ninth community halfway house, set up by the Singapore Muslim Women’s Association (PPIS), in partnership with the Singapore Prison Service to provide stepdown support for supervisees. It is the first secular halfway house for women undergoing community-based programmes. It has a capacity of 30 residents.
RAHWH is designed to inspire women supervisees to overcome their past challenges and draw strength from their struggles to become more confident and resilient. RAHWH runs a structured suite of programmes and provides a safe, holistic and therapeutic space for women supervisees to rebuild their lives. The facility is equipped with amenities such as an activity room, library, computer lab, art room, garden and studio kitchen to promote meaningful engagement and rehabilitation.
Established in 1989, ISCOS is the only co-operative of ex-offenders in Singapore that actively engages the community and provide pro-social support to help ex-offenders gain a foothold in society. ISCOS partners the Singapore Prison Service closely in delivering its services.
ISCOS conducts reintegration programmes and support groups for ex-offenders and provides them with financial assistance. The Community Space developed by ISCOS is used to run support groups, workshops, and training programmes for members and beneficiaries. The café located in the Community Space creates employment opportunities for members and allows them to receive food and beverage training and mentorship.