Art and Prison: 6th International Fine Art Competition
Art and Prison: 6th International Fine Art Competition
Invitation to the 6th International Art Competition 2022/23
Theme: “Discover the colors of your world”
Participants: People in Correctional Institutions
Entry Deadline: October 15th 2022
Theme: “Discover the colors of your world”
Participants: People in Correctional Institutions
Entry Deadline: October 15th 2022
“Discover the colors of your world” is the theme of the 6th international art competition that the non-profit organization - Art and Prison e.V. announced for imprisoned individuals.
Artworks from women, men and adolescents in correctional institutions will be awarded prizes. A jury of art experts will decide the winners. If requested, the conditions of participation, information on how to make entries and a poster to print out that can be exhibited in the institution can also be sent in other languages.
Employees of prison administrations can find this information at
The artworks entered in the competition will become part of a unique collection of „prison art“ that will be shown throughout Europe in a travelling exhibition. The art competition, the exhibition, accompanying publications and a targeted publicity campaign want to make the public aware of the realities of life in prison. The international art competition 2022/23 and the Europe-wide travelling exhibition of the artworks have the following purposes:
- Encourage prisoners to engage in the creation of art and give the public the opportunities to appreciate this art;
- Encourage prisoners to reflect on their lives through art and use the freedom of art to create while living in conditions where their liberty is otherwise non-existent;
- Make the public aware of the realities of living behind bars;
- Overcome the exclusion of prisoners through the creativity of art and bring people „inside“ and „outside“ in contact with one another, if possible in a personal interaction;
- convey positive impulses for personal development;
- promote personal interaction with other people that can contribute to security, re-socialization and reintegration into society.
The competition is international and will be announced in different languages. If possible, each participant will receive a certificate of participation. The ten best works will receive cash prizes.
In accordance with the legal statutes that govern it, Art and Prison e.V. pursues only non-profit, charitable purposes.
Participation in the art competition entails the donation of the artwork.
In the event that the work is sold, proceeds flow only to the non-profit purpose of Art and Prison e.V. and the participants.
The entries can be shown to the public. An internationally constituted jury is responsible for awarding the winners. Their decisions are final and are not reviewable by the courts.
We are grateful for taking over the patronage to Mrs Eleonora Di Benedetto (President of the Severino Foundation, Rome) and Prof. Dr. Dr. Ulrich Hemel (Director of the „Weltethos-Instutut“, Tübingen).
Please take note of the accompanying conditions of participation and the practical tips for labelling the competition entries. You can download them here: