Coping with Covid in Prisons report launch

Coping with Covid in Prisons report launch

About this event

On Tuesday, 14 June, User Voice and our research partners from Queen's University Belfast will release ‘Coping with Covid’.
To accompany the report, we will be holding an online event where key themes and findings will be presented by members of the research team - including peer researchers - followed by a panel discussion with leaders and decision-makers from across health and justice.
Throughout the pandemic, huge numbers of people in prison have been locked down for over 23 hours a day, with limited access to family visits or contact with others. Yet not enough is known of the impact of this regime on prisoners or its implications for the future of prison. Without the voice of lived experience, we cannot fully answer those questions.
Over the last 18 months, User Voice and researchers from Queen's University Belfast were funded by the Economic and Social Research Council to conduct one of the biggest systematic studies of prisoner experience during Covid-19.
60 Peer Researchers received training to survey 1,400 prisoners across 9 prisons. Thanks to their insights, we can now reveal insiders' views of life under Covid-19 restrictions and hear opinions from sector leaders on how we move forward.
Panel guests include:
  • People with lived experience who were in prison during Covid-19
  • Charlie Taylor, Chief Inspector of Prisons
  • Kate Davies, Director of Health and Justice, NHS England
  • Mark Johnson, Founder/CEO, User Voice
  • Shadd Maruna, Professor of Criminology, Queen’s University Belfast
  • Stephen O’Connell, Deputy Director Prison Recovery, HMPPS
  • Vicky Robinson, Director, HMP Bronzefield
Register now for this online event on 14 June, where we launch the findings, discuss the big issues for prisoners since March 2020 and consider what changes prisons can make as they move out of lockdown and into recovery.
You will also have the opportunity to ask questions after the panel discussion.
What: Coping with Covid Report Launch, Panel Discussion and Q&A
When: Tuesday 14 June 2022
Time: 1.30pm - 3pm