ICPA Learning Academy: Reaching Beyond Reducing Recidivism - Creating Employment Pathways


Reaching Beyond Reducing Recidivism: Creating Employment Pathways for Justice Involved Individuals That Can Enhance Their Quality of Life While Responding to Labor Markets Shortages in Our Communities

ICPA’s member-only Learning Academy returns with a new focus: 'Reaching Beyond Reducing Recidivism: Creating Employment Pathways for Justice-Involved Individuals That Can Enhance Their Quality of Life While Responding to Labor Market Shortages in Our Communities'. This two-part series highlights three examples of how creating new employment pathways for justice-involved individuals in North America is achieving significant results, both for the individuals involved and the communities to which they are returning. Following the informative session, participants will have the opportunity to engage in active discussions with the speakers and other attendees.
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Key Dates

Session One (90 minutes): Speaker Presentations
Tuesday, June 4 2024 @ New York (1400) / London (1900) / Brussels (2000) / Singapore (0200)+1 / Sydney (0400)+1
Session Two (90 minutes): Question and Answer / Discussion
Monday, June 24 2024 @ New York (1400) / London (1900) / Brussels (2000) / Singapore (0200)+1 / Sydney (0400)+1
Participants will be provided with reading material to deepen learning between sessions.
All participants who attend both sessions will be eligible to receive a certificate of attendance.



For each of the three showcased examples, we will highlight how the approach was developed, what it entails, how it is being sustained, and what results are being obtained. Moderated by the current President of the Correctional Leaders Association (CLA), Rob Jeffreys, the webinar promises to be not just informative but hopefully inspiring for other corrections leaders who wish to transform their methods for creating employment pathways for justice involved individuals. Good practice in corrections builds on good examples of how others have stepped forward to innovate.
1. The Michigan Department of Corrections Vocational Village
2. Safer Foundation’s Long-Standing Job Placement Initiative in Chicago
3. Empowering Women Out of Prison in Texas