PO21 Project: Evaluation Report
ICPA takes part in the Prison Officers for the 21st Century Project (PO21).The project aims to tackle the urgent need to agree on the initial and continuous vocational education and training that should be provided to prison officers in the future, regarding learning objectives, content, length of the training courses and recognition of competencies that may foster mobility throughout the European Union.
This first evaluation report presents the result of a first evaluation activity done at the end of the PO21 kick-off meeting (13th and 14th February 2020). The aim of this activity was to hear from the partners regarding their experience during the face-to-face project meeting as well as understand how they see the project in what concerns the project design and work plan, how clear are the project WPs for them how they see the partnership skills, complementarity and the distribution of roles and financial resources, among other aspects. Results are analysed and then discussed, to reach some conclusion for the rollout of the project.
A total of 11 answers were gathered from the participants at the kick-off meeting. One participant from DGRSP, ICPA and the BMoJ answered the survey, while two answers were gathered from each of the following partners: FPS Belgium, IPS, SNCGP and SNLP.