ID: NEWS-11072024 11 Jul 2024

Reflecting on a groundbreaking week in Istanbul: TIC 2024 presentations are now available!

The Technology in Corrections Conference (TIC) 2024, co-organized by the International Corrections and Prisons Association (ICPA) and the European Organisation of Prison and Correctional Services (EuroPris), was an important turning point in the global transformation of correctional systems.

This year's conference, which was hosted by the General Directorate of Prisons and Detention Houses in Türkiye, gathered over 360 participants from 63 countries, showcasing the global commitment to promoting correctional technology.
Program Overview
The two-day conference, offering an extensive program, aimed to address the pressing concerns and opportunities at the interface of technology and corrections. The conference featured 12 parallel sessions and several challenging keynote presentations, providing a thorough examination of digital transformation techniques, ethical considerations, and novel technological applications in prison settings.
Key themes presented included digital rehabilitation, virtual reality for behavioral teaching, and artificial intelligence in correction management. The event also highlighted successful examples of technology adoption in correctional facilities from various countries.
Key highlights include:
  • Opening Remarks and Keynote Speeches: The conference began with encouraging keynote speeches from prominent leaders in correctional technology, setting the groundwork for the in-depth discussions that followed.
  • Digital Transformation Strategies: Several workshops explored how correctional facilities might use and integrate digital tools to improve rehabilitation efforts. These conversations focused on the adoption of digital platforms, the promotion of digital literacy among inmates, and the use of technology for speeding up administrative processes.
  • Ethical Use of Technology: This program focused on achieving the correct balance between security and human rights while employing digital rehabilitation tools. Experts talked on ethical frameworks, privacy problems, and the significance of ensuring that technological improvements do not undermine inmates' rights.
  • Innovations in Correctional Technologies: This session showcased the most recent innovations in detention, including upcoming tools such as virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and artificial intelligence (AI). Case studies proved the actual applications and advantages of these technologies in real-world scenarios.
“VR is revolutionizing the possibilities for prisoner rehabilitation and staff education. By exchanging experiences and scenarios, we can improve rehabilitation programs. If we keep an open mind and accept to explore, the world will open up.”

Marjan Lukavecki

Programme Committee Member

Impact of the Conference
The TIC 2024 conference made great progress toward shaping the future of correctional systems. Here are some important impacts:
  1. Global Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: With participants from 63 nations, the conference promoted worldwide collaboration. Attendees got the chance to discuss best practices, learn from varied experiences, and form networks that will continue to advance correctional innovation. Undoubtedly, due to disparities in privacy and regulation between countries, the cooperative effort will be difficult to sustain after the meeting.
  2. Ethical and Human Rights Focus: By devoting sessions to ethical issues, the conference underlined the need of upholding human rights when implementing technology solutions. This focus ensures that digital rehabilitation solutions can be not only effective, but also fair and humane.
  3. Digital Rehabilitation Promotion: The conference highlighted digital rehabilitation's potential to change penal facilities. Through extensive discussions and case studies, it demonstrated how digital tools may provide flexible, individualized, and effective rehabilitation services, ultimately assisting criminals' successful reintegration into society.
  4. Practical Insights and Real-World Application: Case studies and field visits provided attendees with hands-on experience implementing the technology described. This hands-on approach helped participants understand the obstacles and opportunities of using digital solutions in correctional settings.
"We learned that digital skills training for inmates is feasible and has a positive impact... and that change management, digital skills training, and cybersecurity awareness are very important also for staff. We need to bring everyone on board during our digital transformation journey."

Steven Van De Steene

ICPA Board Member and Programme Committee Member

  1. Future Directions and Continuous Improvement: By discussing both the existing status and future potential of correctional technologies, the conference laid the groundwork for ongoing improvement. It emphasized the importance of continuous examination, refinement, and innovation to stay up with technological changes and changing correctional demands.
Side Events
In addition to the main conference sessions, the host committee prepared a variety of side events and field tours that enhanced the overall experience for participants.
  • Welcome Reception at Mansion of Saim Paşa: The conference began with a welcome reception in the ancient Saim Paşa Mansion located along the picturesque Bosphorus. This event gave attendees the opportunity to network in a casual and gorgeous location, which established a pleasant tone for the days ahead.
  • State Folk Dance Ensemble Show: On the first evening, the State Folk Dance Ensemble delivered a stunning performance. This cultural event celebrated Turkey's rich heritage while providing a lively and exciting experience for all attendees.
  • Field Visits to Correctional Facilities: At the conclusion of the two-day conference, delegates were given the opportunity to tour various correctional facilities. These field trips allowed participants to see directly how suggested technologies were implemented and acquire practical insights into the functioning and issues of modern correctional systems.
What Next?
The Technology in Corrections Conference 2024 was an important meeting that demonstrated the importance of technology in upgrading correctional institutions. By bringing together a wide mix of experts, policymakers, and practitioners, the conference not only highlighted digital tools' revolutionary potential, but also emphasized the significance of ethical and human-centered methods. As correctional facilities around the world adopt digital rehabilitation, the insights and collaborations established at TIC 2024 will definitely accelerate progress toward more effective, compassionate, and just correctional procedures.
© Written by Gökçe Gülcüler, Global Track Chair for TIC