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Displaying 20 of 186 results
Active filters: Covid-19 Resources
Basic, Full, Staff, Professional

WHO: Preparedness, prevention and control of COVID-19 in prisons and other places of detention

Basic, Full, Staff, Professional

Fears of COVID-19 Contagion and the Italian Prison System Response

Basic, Full, Staff, Professional

Correctional System’s Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic and Its Implications for Prison Reform in China

Basic, Full, Staff, Professional

Assessing the Effects of COVID-19 in Prisons in the Northern Triangle of Central America

Basic, Full, Staff, Professional

An Examination of The Romanian Prison System During The COVID-19 pandemic. Are “Zero Cases” Possible?

Basic, Full, Staff, Professional

British Columbia Provincial Corrections’ Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study of Correctional Policy and Practice

Basic, Full, Staff, Professional

Adaptations to COVID-19 in Community Corrections Agencies across the United States

Basic, Full, Staff, Professional

Institutional Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic in American Prisons

Basic, Full, Staff, Professional

United States Bureau of Prisons’ Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Basic, Full, Staff, Professional

National Responses for Persons Deprived of Liberty during the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Philippines

Basic, Full, Staff, Professional

The Social and Environmental Implications of the Novel Coronavirus on Institutional and Community Corrections in South Africa

Basic, Full, Staff, Professional

Lock Unlock: The Impact of COVID-19 on Health Security in Pakistani and Indian Prisons

Basic, Full, Staff, Professional

Telematic Control and Semi-Freedom as a Response to the Pandemic: The Spanish Penitentiary System Experience

Basic, Full, Staff, Professional

A Case Study of the Westchester County New York’s Jail Response to COVID-19: Controlling COVID while Balancing Service Needs for the Incarcerated-A National Model for Jails

Basic, Full, Staff, Professional

Management of COVID-19 for Persons with Mental Illness in Secure Units: A Rapid International Review to Inform Practice in Québec

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