Women in Corrections Conference

Wednesday 19 February
8.45am – 9am EST
ICPA Welcome and Introduction


9am – 9.30am EST
TIJ Welcome and Introduction


9.30am – 10.30am EST
Why Gender Matters: Creating Trauma Services for Justice-Involved Women (PID200)


10.30am – 11am EST
Posters and Coffee Break

Posters and Coffee Break

11am – 11.30am EST
Responding to the Bangkok Rules through Architecture (PID027)

Parallel Workshops

The Poetic Justice Children’s Literature Project: Restoring and Restorying the Mother-Child Relationship through Self-Published Children’s Literature (PID029)

Parallel Workshops

From Policy to Practice: Mountjoy Female Prison: A Journey Towards Rehabilitation at the Dóchas Centre – 25 Years of the ‘Centre of Hope’ (PID099)

Parallel Workshops

(Cancelled) Understanding the Pathways to Imprisonment and Empowering Women Behind Bars: VOPS' Comprehensive Rehabilitation and Reintegration Programs in Cameroon (PID020)

Parallel Workshops

11am – 12pm EST
Gender-Responsive Prison Reform In Countries Supported By UNODC (PID159)

Parallel Workshops

11am – 12.30pm EST
Responding to Gendered Harms in the US: The Bangkok Rules in Application (PID109)

Parallel Workshops

11.30am – 12pm EST
Experiences from Denmark's First Women’s Prison (PID119)

Parallel Workshops

Incarcerated Mothers and Their Children: Addressing Challenges, Providing Support and Developing Sustainable Solutions (PID079)

Parallel Workshops

A Cross Discipline Approach to Reducing the Force Experienced by Women in Prison (PID156)

Parallel Workshops

Women’s Pathways Into Prison: Cycles of Harm (PID026)

Parallel Workshops

12pm – 12.30pm EST
Creating Better Models for the Design of Women-centered Secure Treatment Facilites (PID162)

Parallel Workshops

System-involved and Formerly-Incarcerated Mothers Materializing Grief (PID056)

Parallel Workshops

Can Risk Assessment be Empowering? Yes! Adopt A Strength-Based Approach! (PID149)

Parallel Workshops

A Critical Analysis of the Bangkok Rules: Examining Implementation Gaps for Justice-Impacted Women in the U.S. (2010-2024) (PID039)

Parallel Workshops

Global Approaches to Dignity: Mapping Good Practices in the Management of Transgender Prisoners (PID053)

Parallel Workshops

12.30pm – 2pm EST
Posters and Lunch

Posters & Lunch

2pm – 2.30pm EST
Lead Like a Woman - Advancing Women in Leadership in Correctional Services (PID094)

Parallel Workshops

Factors Supporting Women's Successful Reintegration: A Holistic Approach in Uganda (PID064)

Parallel Workshops

Pathways and Treatment of Women Serving a Death or Life Imprisonment Sentence (PID143)

Parallel Workshops

Rehabilitation Program for Female Drug-Abuse Offenders in Thai Correctional Settings (PID092)

Parallel Workshops

A Woman's Journey Leading Healthcare in Jamaica's Correctional Centres (PID057)

Parallel Workshops

2pm – 2.45pm EST
Championing Women in the Workplace within His Majesty’s Prisons & Probation Service and The British Overseas Territories (PID140)

Parallel Workshops

2.30pm – 3pm EST
Gender and Prison Policies Across the Globe: A Feminist Policy Analysis Approach (PID113)

Parallel Workshops

The Not Knowing: Criminalised Women and Service Providers’ Experiences of Remand and Uncertainty in Victoria, Australia (PID041)

Parallel Workshops

Healing the Wounds for a Successful Reintegration: Women’s Narratives Inside Two Italian Prisons (PID098)

Parallel Workshops

2.30pm – 3.30pm EST
The Path to Women's Leadership Through the Journeys of Women Trailblazers (PID175)

Parallel Workshops

Panel on Re-entry and Re-integration (PID300)

Panel Discussion

2.45pm – 3.30pm EST
Lifting Women in Correctional Leadership: Strengthening Pathways to Empowerment and Change in the Haitian Prison Service (PID025)

Parallel Workshops

3pm – 3.30pm EST
How a Gender-Responsive Approach to Corrections Promotes the Well-Being and Rehabilitation of Women in Custody (PID055)

Parallel Workshops

“Rinse and Repeat”, A Woman’s Experience of Non-Custodial Measures in the United States (PID032)

Parallel Workshops

Gender, Job Satisfaction, and Workplace Culture: Trends and Implications for Recruiting and Retaining Correctional Staff (PID082)

Parallel Workshops

3.30pm – 4pm EST
Posters and Coffee Break

Posters and Coffee Break

4pm – 5pm EST
15 Years of the Bangkok Rules: A Journey Toward Gender-Responsive Justice (PID160)


5pm – 7pm EST
A Feature Documentary Film (PID019)

Parallel Workshops

(In)Justice for Women: A Screening and Conversation with Dr. Baz and Nora Calandra (PID114)

Parallel Workshops

7pm – 9.30pm EST
Welcome Event

Evening Event

Thursday 20 February
8.30am – 9am EST
Kindness as a Catalyst: Connecting Hearts to Transform Corrections for Families (PID043)

Parallel Workshops

Every Offender has the Right to Conditions of Detention that are Consistent With Human Dignity , Adequate Accommodation, Food Edible for Human Consumption and Medical Treatment (PID014)

Parallel Workshops

The Lessons of Misplaced Optimism: Gender, Indigeneity, and Prison Reform in Canada (PID141)

Parallel Workshops

Women Deprived of Their Liberty: Bridging the Gap Between Law, Policy and Practice Through Independent Oversight (PID110)

Parallel Workshops

Women in Prison View from the Council of Europe Perspective (PID142)

Parallel Workshops

8.30am – 10am EST
Let’s Talk: A Conversation on “What Works” for Women (PID104)

Parallel Workshops

9am – 9.30am EST
Motherhood in prison. Experiences of women living with their children in mother and child units in Chile (UMI) in a punitive social context. (PID035)

Parallel Workshops

The Costs of Crime and Criminal Justice in Thailand for Victimised and Incarcerated Women (PID134)

Parallel Workshops

Resetting the Approach to Women’s Imprisonment in England and Wales: From Policy to Practice (PID101)

Parallel Workshops

The Limitations of Judicial Discretion in Realising Part III of the Bangkok Rules (PID030)

Parallel Workshops

Imprisoned Lives and Images: Narratives of Undertrial Women in Kerala (PID145)

Parallel Workshops

9.30am – 10am EST
Bridging the Gap: Maintaining Family Connections Trough the Female Open Prison System (PID105)

Parallel Workshops

Migrant Women in Prisons: Italian Practices and Strategies for Action (PID136)

Parallel Workshops

Reflections on Implementing a Women’s Strategy Within the New Zealand Corrections System: Successes, Challenges and Opportunities (PID086)

Parallel Workshops

Pseudo Families as a Way of Coping with Incarceration by Female Offenders in South Africa (PID028)

Parallel Workshops

10am – 10.30am EST
Coffee Break

Coffee Break

10.30am – 11.15am EST
Leading with Resilience: Surviving and Thriving as a Woman Leader in Corrections (PID201)


11.15am – 12.15pm EST
Shaping the Future of Corrections Through Leadership: Insights from Women Leaders Around the World (PID061)


12.15pm – 1.30pm EST


1.30pm – 2pm EST
Transgender Women in Carceral Settings, International Reflections and Perspectives (PID100)

Parallel Workshops

Understanding Women's Pathways to Prison: A Psycho-Social Analysis of Trauma, Victimization, and Incarceration Experiences (PID155)

Parallel Workshops

Improving Rehabilitative Practices by Reconceptualizing the Risk, Need, and Responsivity Principles for Women (PID116)

Parallel Workshops

Beyond the Uniform: Navigating Gender, Culture, and Emotional Labour in Corrections (PID048)

Parallel Workshops

Transforming Incarceration: Architectural Innovations for the Rehabilitation of Women at Limerick Female Prison (PID137)

Parallel Workshops

Should We Imprison Pregnant Women? Lived Experiences, Institutional Barriers, and Policy Recommendations (PID059)

Parallel Workshops

2pm – 2.30pm EST
Incarcerated Transgender People in Belgian Prisons: An Overview of the Belgian Policy and the Lived Experiences of Incarcerated Transgender Persons (PID078)

Parallel Workshops

Fatal Peril: Unheard Stories from the IPV-to-Prison Pipeline in the United States (PID031)

Parallel Workshops

Trauma-Informed Care in Women’s Prisons in England – From Research to Practice (PID067)

Parallel Workshops

Distance and Proximity in Staff-Prisoner Relationships in Women’s Prisons (PID045)

Parallel Workshops

Carving a New Path | Women Designing for Women (PID158)

Parallel Workshops

The Application of the Bangkok Rules though Law and Court Practice: The Sentencing of Pregnant Women and Mothers of Dependent Children in England and Wales (PID102)

Parallel Workshops

2.30pm – 3pm EST
Tomboys’ Pathways to Prison in Thailand: Insubordination, Support, Sacrifice, and Suffering (PID058)

Parallel Workshops

Reclaiming the Narrative: How the Women’s Justice Pathways Model is Creating Real Justice with/for Women (PID165)

Parallel Workshops

Gender-Responsive Sentencing Practices in Southeast Asia - The Gap Between International Commitments and Domestic Realities (PID046)

Parallel Workshops

Working “From the Heart” Under Challenging Circumstances: Thailand’s Probation Workers Discuss Electronically Monitored Parole for Women (PID044)

Parallel Workshops

Supporting Women Correctional Staff in Community Corrections (PID076)

Parallel Workshops

The Gender Differences in Treatment Needs of Drug Inmates (PID017)

Parallel Workshops

3pm – 3.30pm EST
Coffee Break

Coffee Break

3.30pm – 4.30pm EST
Part of the Solution: Perspectives of Women with Lived-Experience (PID203)


4.30pm – 4.45pm EST
TIJ Closing Remarks


4.45pm – 5pm EST
ICPA Closing Remarks


Friday 21 February
7am – 2pm EST
Chonburi Women’s Correctional Institution

Prison Visits

7.45am – 1pm EST
Thonburi Women’s Correctional Institution

Prison Visits

Women’s Correctional Institute for Drug Addicts

Prison Visits

8.15am – 12.30pm EST
Central Women's Correctional Institution

Prison Visits
