ID: ICPA2024-PID197 02 Sep 2024
by Frank Porporino, Robert Goble, Seow Ling, Viknesswari Nadarajan

Practice Transfer: ICPA's 2024 Focus on Parenting from Prison and Family Engagement

ICPA2024 Presentation by Frank Porporino, Bob Goble, Seow Ling, and Viknesswari Nadarajan (ICPA2024-PID197)

There are many new ideas, practices or programs that emerge locally in one correctional agency that unfortunately remain only local in their impact. This Workshop will describe the aims of ICPA’s new Practice Transfer Advisory Committee (PTAC) in purposefully promoting exemplary and innovative practices. The Workshop will be divided into three parts. First, we will discuss the approach and methods that have been used in 2022 and 2023 to promote practice transfer, outline some of the successes and lessons learned along the way and conclude with a summary of what seems to lead to successful practice transfer. The second part of the Workshop will summarize what the PTAC has focused on for 2024.
We have used social media and other methods to raise awareness, promoting the concept of parenting and family engagement, both in prison and post-release. Two innovative practice examples will be highlighted, from Canada and the UK, that were featured this past year in an ICPA Learning Academy session. We will summarize the findings of a global survey of initiatives pursued for supporting more effective parenting from prison and family engagement. Finally, the third part of the Workshop will be devoted to describing another innovative practice in Singapore called Project Rekindle. It involves a restorative approach for mending relationships between incarcerated individuals and the families with which they have lost contact. We will end the Workshop with a short survey inviting attendees to support our PTAC in identifying a focal practice for 2025.