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Article 4: Professionalising the response to volunteers engaged in rehabilitation and reintegration: The VOLPRIS standardised training course for people who coordinate prison and probation volunteers (ACJ13-A004)
Panel Discussion: Expanding the Roles of Volunteers in the Corrections World, Valerie Chiang; Satoshi Minoura; Katherine Cole; Victor Dickson (ICPA2021-PID700)
"Volunteering in Prison: best practices and strategies to promote local community expertise in responding to the rehabilitation and reintegration needs of prisoners, Rhianon Williams; Rita Lourenço, Portugal (ICPA2021-PID019)"
Universal Value of Community Volunteers Supporting Offender Reintegration: For sustainable development of community volunteer systems in offender reintegration, Satoshi Minoura, Japan (ICPA2021-PID016)